woman's legs

Thigh Lift Toronto Thighplasty

A thigh lift removes excess skin and fat usually caused by weight loss, from the thigh and buttock area.

This cosmetic procedure can also address: excess fat deposits in the inner thighs, weak muscles and stretch marks. It is often combined with a liposuction of the legs.

The goal of a Thigh Lift is not to simply remove excess fat, it is to also reshape and contour the area. Some people confuse Thigh Lifts with liposuction. Liposuction can be combined with a Thigh Lift for a more comprehensive approach to body contouring.

If you'd like to learn more about the Thigh Lift procedure, contact us now to book your confidential appointment with Dr. Kesarwani.

Dr. Kesarwani can also show you before and after Thigh Lift photos from patients he has performed the procedure on previously, during your consultation.

The Procedure

The thigh lift surgery tends to be a more extensive one. For this reason, it is typically performed under general anesthesia. For patients with extensive correction, an overnight stay may be needed. However, most patients are able to go home the same day.

Excisions may be made in the outer or inner thigh, vertically or horizontally. Incision placement will be discussed prior to your surgery. A medial thigh lift targets the inner thigh, while an outer thigh lift targets the outside. Fat and excess skin are removed and the remaining tissue is redraped to achieve a leaner thigh contour. The incisions are then closed and dressed.

After surgery, compression garments may be needed to help the skin retract better and reduce the risk of blood clots. Physical activity should be minimized for the recommended period of time.

We have found that CytoDerma™ is an essential part of post-treatment recovery to help scars fade as much as possible. You can read more about silicone scar gel here.

Surgical scars will tan like the rest of our skin when exposed to the sun. However, they often do not fade in colour like the rest of our skin. You don't want dark scars, so diligent sunscreen use is particularly important for the first 12-18 months after surgery. We have a variety of non-comedogenic options in the office that we can help select for you depending on your skin type.

dr atul kesarwani

The First Step

A personal consultation with Dr. Atul Kesarwani is the first step toward realizing your goals in improving your thigh contour. This private medical appointment is with Dr. Kesarwani. He will take the time necessary to answer your questions and explain how this procedure can fulfill your aesthetic goals.

During your consultation, Dr. Kesarwani will review your medical history. He'll also show you before and after thigh lift photos from patients he has performed the procedure on previously.

What Is The Thigh Lift Recovery Process Like?

After a thigh lift the recovery process can be smooth and easy if you follow Dr. Kesarwani's instructions. Dressings and bandages will most likely be applied to your incisions and you may be given a compression garment or elastic bandage to wear to help reduce swelling. These garments will offer support to your new contours as your body heals.

In some cases, small, slender tubes will be placed under the skin to drain the excess fluid or blood that can collect post-surgery. These tubes are only temporary and will be removed as soon as the fluid and or blood cease to gather. This is not dangerous and will cause no harm to your body.

Dr. Kesarwani will also likely prescribe painkillers to ease your discomfort. As with any medication, do not exceed the dosage. If you find that even with the use of painkillers you are still experiencing high levels of pain, consult us. You will also be given very specific instructions on how to care for the surgical site on your thighs. These instructions will relate to cleaning and how to avoid possible infection. Follow these guidelines carefully and you will not interfere with the healing process.

It's important that you avoid products that contain nicotine and alcohol. Dr. Kesarwani will ask that you stop smoking prior to your procedure and remain smoke free for the weeks to follow. Nicotine and alcohol use can greatly hinder your body's natural recovery process so it's best to leave those stimulants alone following thigh lift surgery.

Do not lift heavy objects or exercise for the first three weeks after your thigh lift. You can, however, return to work as you see fit. Depending on their occupation, some people take five to seven days off work while others need two to three weeks before returning to their jobs.

Get out of bed as soon as possible
Thigh lift patients are advised to get out bed as soon as possible and to begin moving their muscles to get the blood flowing and increase the speed of recovery. Don't jump out of bed and start doing vigorous activities, though. Go at a slow, leisurely pace. Patients are advised to first sit for a moment at the edge of the bed to avoid problems with dizziness.

Gently shower over incisions
Patients can begin washing themselves in the days after the procedure, but are advised to use a light shower spray over areas where the incisions are.

Scarring will be visible at first but it will lessen as the months go by. Because your place of incision is on the inner thigh, it is well concealed and difficult to see. So go ahead and wear shorts. You've earned it and your legs will look great!

woman's body

When Can I Drive After A Thigh Lift?

One of the most common questions we receive on the subject is: "When can I drive after a thigh lift?"

Pain medications may interfere with driving

While the thigh lift procedure itself will not prevent you from being able to drive the day after your operation, you may be taking high doses of pain medication. we recommend that patients have someone else drive them while they are taking pain relief after their thigh lift. This will ensure they travel safely during their initial recovery.

Most patients are able to limit their pain medication just a few days after their procedure. They're then able to begin driving again for short times and to take on further responsibilities as they move forward in the recovery phase.

Why choose dr. Atul KESARWANI

Dr. Atul Kesarwani is a board certified plastic surgeon at Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic. He has 30+ years of experience in the field.

You'll speak with Dr. A. Kesarwani directly during your initial consultation. He has a gentle approach and unwavering commitment to achieving the beautiful, natural looking results you want. He takes the time to discuss your goals and assess your situation before providing you with a custom tailored solution. No detail is overlooked. You will appreciate her fastidious and exacting nature — traits that are essential when performing any procedure, particularly those targeting the face!

Dr. A. Kesarwani is dedicated to delivering you beautiful results while maintaining excellent patient safety and achieving superior patient satisfaction.